1 skim
[skɪm] 1.1) (remove floating matter) scremare [ milk]; schiumare [ liquid]; sgrassare [ sauce]2) (touch lightly) [plane, bird] rasentare [surface, treetops]3) (read quickly) scorrere [ page]4) AE colloq. non dichiarare [ part of income]2.1) [plane, bird]to skim over o across o along sth. — passare rasente qcs., rasentare qcs
2) [ reader]to skim through o over sth. scorrere qcs.; to skim over sth. — sfiorare [ facts]
* * *[skim]past tense, past participle - skimmed; verb1) (to remove (floating matter, eg cream) from the surface of (a liquid): Skim the fat off the gravy.) scremare2) (to move lightly and quickly over (a surface): The skier skimmed across the snow.) sfiorare, (passare rasente)3) (to read (something) quickly, missing out parts: She skimmed (through) the book.) scorrere•- skimmed milk* * *[skɪm]1. vt2) (stone) far rimbalzare(
subj: bird, plane) to skim the water/ground — sfiorare or rasentare l'acqua/il suolo2. vito skim across or along — sfiorare
to skim through a book fig — scorrere or dare una scorsa a un libro
* * *skim /skɪm/n.1 strato sottile; pellicola2 scorsa; rapida occhiata3 (agric.) coltello superiore dell'aratro● skim coulter, avanvomere □ (spec. USA) skim milk, latte scremato □ (market.) skim strategy, scrematura.(to) skim /skɪm/A v. t.1 schiumare; scremare; spannare ( il latte): He skimmed the milk ( of its cream), ha scremato il latte2 sfiorare; rasentare: The plane was skimming the roofs, l'aereo sfiorava i tetti; ( tennis: della palla) to skim the net, sfiorare la rete5 far saltellare; far balzellare: to skim stones ( across the water), lanciare sassi facendoli rimbalzare sulla superficie dell'acquaB v. i.● skimmed milk, latte scremato □ ( slang) skimming dish, motoscafo veloce; panfilo dal fondo piatto.* * *[skɪm] 1.1) (remove floating matter) scremare [ milk]; schiumare [ liquid]; sgrassare [ sauce]2) (touch lightly) [plane, bird] rasentare [surface, treetops]3) (read quickly) scorrere [ page]4) AE colloq. non dichiarare [ part of income]2.1) [plane, bird]to skim over o across o along sth. — passare rasente qcs., rasentare qcs
2) [ reader]to skim through o over sth. scorrere qcs.; to skim over sth. — sfiorare [ facts]
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